The south of Spain will register this week an episode of unusual heat for these dates. In fact, the heat will progress until it spreads throughout almost the entire Peninsula. The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has warned this Sunday of the effects that the progressive entry of a mass of very warm and dry air, of African origin, will cause in the coming days over the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.

The presence of this warm mass, together with the conditions of atmospheric stability and strong insolation, “will cause a progressive and marked rise in temperatures, with values ​​typical of summer and exceptionally high for these dates,” says the State Agency.

At the peak of this episode, between Thursday and Friday, in the southern half of the peninsula and in the Ebro valley, 35 ºC will be reached in a general way, although “these values ​​will be widely exceeded in the Guadalquivir valley, where even it could reach up to 40 ºC”.

On Tuesday the 25th, and especially on Wednesday the 26th, the maximum temperatures are expected to be above 30ºC in a large part of the southern half of the peninsula, and locally also in the Ebro valley.

They will be higher in the interior of Murcia and Valencia on Tuesday; and in the Guadalquivir valley and inland Huelva and Cádiz on Wednesday, where temperatures can reach 35ºC.

It is very probable that on Thursday the 27th and Friday the 28th the climactic phase of this episode will take place. On those days, temperatures will reach 30ºC in a good part of the northern half of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, with the exception of the extreme north of the peninsula.

In the Bay of Biscay and Galicia, although temperatures will be abnormally high, exceeding 25 ºC, they are not expected to reach 30 ºC.

But on those dates the heat will be extremely hot, especially in the southern half of the peninsula and in the Ebro valley, where temperatures will reach 35ºC in general.

These values ​​will be easily exceeded in the Guadalquivir valley, where it could even reach 40 ºC.

The minimum temperatures will also be abnormally high throughout the country, especially in Andalusia, where locally there can be tropical nights without falling below 20ºC.

“It is probable that in the late hours of Saturday the 29th and with greater probability on Sunday the 30th there will be a notable thermal drop”, adds the information from Aemet.

This will be due to the entry of a more humid and fresh air mass from the west of the Peninsula, which with high uncertainty could leave isolated storms in the northern half of the peninsula.

On Saturday it will still exceed 30ºC in the northern half and the Balearic Islands, and 35ºC in the southern half and the Ebro valley.

On Sunday, with the entry of a west wind, the maximum values ​​are expected on the Mediterranean coasts, where they could reach 35ºC. In these areas “the temperature drop would have to wait until Monday.”

In the Guadalquivir valley and the Ebro valley, temperatures could still reach 30ºC on Sunday, but lower values ​​are expected in the rest of the country. This would end this episode of “exceptionally high temperatures for the time of year,” concludes Aemet.