* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

April 23 is the festival of Sant Jordi in Catalonia. It is celebrated with a book and a rose, symbols of culture and love. It is Valentine’s Day and for this reason, since the fifteenth century, it is customary to give a red rose “like the blood of the dragon” to the loved one.

In the 1930s, the custom of giving a book to another person was added. The Catalan legend of Sant Jordi says that, after a fight to the death between the knight and the beast, the dragon fell impaled by the sharp iron and that from the drops of blood that fell to the ground a rose bush would sprout that would bloom every April. .

Gallecs is a rural area between the municipalities of Mollet del Vallès and Parets del Vallès (Vallès Oriental) and includes a natural area of ​​755 hectares.

Its great landscape interest is due to the fact that it is one of the last undeveloped spaces in the region. In addition, it is a biological connector between the coastal mountains and the natural spaces of the interior.

It is a space of great ornithological interest for nesting, migratory and wintering species. In Gallecs sustainable agriculture is practiced. In addition to being a leisure space. Here Sant Jordi is lived in a natural way, it is in the landscape.