Holy Week will start with atmospheric instability that will favor rain in parts of the northern peninsula, it will continue with rainfall in large areas of Spain and will have temperatures below normal for the season, according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

From this Friday until Sunday, light rain is expected in the Canary Islands and the extreme north of the peninsula. On Monday of next week, although with uncertainty, it could rain in large areas of the country, anticipates the agency’s spokesperson, Rubén del Campo.

On Tuesday and Wednesday of next week the rain will continue, with a greater probability of precipitation in Galicia, Cantabrian communities and the west and center of the peninsula.

Starting on Maundy Thursday, the highest probability of precipitation is in the northwest of the peninsula and the lowest in the Mediterranean area and the Balearic Islands, although the rains could extend to other areas of the west and center of the peninsula, the person in charge maintains.

The chances of rain will decrease considerably from Good Friday until Easter Sunday, notes the Aemet in a publication on X (formerly Twitter).

Holy Week will start with high temperatures in some parts of the country, with values ​​that could exceed 25 degrees maximum during this Friday and next weekend. However, a first decline is expected from Sunday.

According to the forecast, there will be a “sharp decline” starting next week. According to the Aemet spokesperson, temperatures “will clearly drop” on Tuesday to recover on Wednesday. In addition, the formation of some frosts on the northern plateau and mountain areas is not ruled out.