ChatGPT has had competition. This is HuggingChat, the first open source artificial intelligence chat service, that is, free and free for all its users. How could it be otherwise, the logo of this application is a smiling emoji giving a hug.

HuggingChat, developed by the company Hugging Face, can already be tested through a web interface that does not require any registration. Perform many of the tasks that ChatGPT pioneered, such as writing code, composing emails, or composing rap lyrics.

The CEO of the Hugging Face company, Clement Delangue, has introduced the project in a post on Twitter: “We need open source alternatives to ChatGPT that achieve greater transparency, inclusiveness and responsibility in the distribution of power. I am pleased to present HuggingChat, an open-source interface prototype based on OpenAssistant”, he has written.

HuggingChat is based on LLaMA, the language model developed by Meta AI. As is often the case with open source systems, the license for this model does not allow its use for commercial purposes. However, HuggingChat does allow users to freely experiment with the model without having to hand over their data to profit-seeking private companies like OpenAI.

Some researchers have criticized the release of open source AI models like StableLM in the past, arguing that they are flawed and can be used for malicious purposes, such as creating phishing emails.

On the other hand, other experts point out that business models like ChatGPT have also proven flawed and exploitable in the past.

Despite the fact that HuggingChat is just starting out and still can’t compete in quality of the ChatGPT service, it means a before and after as it paves the way for the generation of free applications in the universe of artificial intelligence.