Airbnb will not only offer apartments or houses this summer, but will promote the rental of individual rooms, a way to “enjoy your destination like the local people” and to share common spaces with visitors, in addition to relieving the pocket of its clients .

“In the last year inflation has skyrocketed. People are really feeling it. And the cost of travel has gone up. So we think affordability is key,” said company co-founder and CEO Brian Chesky. , at a press conference in New York that he attended accompanied by his mother and two pet dogs, according to EFE.

In a Twitter thread, the person in charge stressed that this is “one of the cheapest ways to travel.” According to company calculations, the average price of a private room is 67 dollars (60.87 euros) per night. In addition, they ensure that 80% of these types of rooms will cost less than $100 per night.

Chesky says this initiative brings Airbnb back to its “original idea” when he and Joe Gebbia became the first Airbnb hosts in 2007, establishing itself as “an affordable alternative to hotels in 2008, during the great recession.”

For these rental rooms to be successful, all tenants must feel comfortable, the company acknowledges. For this reason, each Airbnb room will come with a Host Passport, a kind of file where the main data of these clients is collected: name, age, profession, hobbies or other relevant data.

Users will be able to check around a million Airbnb rooms, including Brian Chesky’s. Within the application or the web page, they will only have to click on the new Rooms category.

In addition, for this summer, the platform announced another fifty novelties and improvements that its users have requested. For example, now the application will allow users to see the final price from the first click, since many of them complained that, when booking, a much lower price appeared on the first screen that goes up to the next screen. last screen, when extra expenses are added to the total, such as cleaning.

Check-out instructions have also been clarified, giving hosts the ability to include instructions in the announcement. Another of Airbnb’s novelties is the improved monthly search, with a new interface that will allow you to select several months in which to search for accommodation.