Naiara, the brand new winner of the latest edition of Operación Triunfo, performs on television sets with the same ease as she does on stage. The Aragonese singer exudes sympathy and naturalness in abundance, as she has demonstrated after her time on several television networks. Between laughter and confidences, Naiara expanded on talking about her Audi and the trick she uses to pass the ITV during her appearances on two late shows.

First it was on La Resistencia, the Movistar program presented by David Broncano, and this week on Martínez y Hermanos, which Dani Martínez hosts on Cuatro, where the winner of OT has freely expanded on her car, an Audi TT. Naiara has never hidden the passion she feels when she gets behind the wheel of this 245 HP sports car, which she has nicknamed The Beast.

In her interventions, the skilled artist never hid the fact that she has tuned the car to her liking. Naiara explained in La Resistencia that she has replaced the four Audi rings logo with four hearts. “On the hood, instead of the Audi circles, there is this,” said the artist while she showed a plaque with the four hearts that she later stuck on the studio wall.

Broncano, surprised, then asked him if this is legal in the eyes of the DGT and the ITV and Naiara replied: “Eh… I don’t pass it through the exhaust pipes.” Previously, the singer had revealed that her 2007 Audi TT “is very handsome” and that “it makes a lot of noise.”

However, this week, Naiara has gone a little further and explained in Martínez y Hermanos the headaches that come with having a non-approved exhaust. She, with her usual loquacity, confessed that on some occasions she has had to report to traffic officers. “They stop me a lot, because the tubes I carry are not legal.”

In addition, he told the ploy he uses every time he has to take the car to the ITV. “Passing it (the MOT) is a hassle, because I have to take it to the workshop (the car), put the original exhaust pipe on it and when I pass it, I go to the workshop and put the one that makes the noise on it,” he explained with total sincerity. .

Although this strategy allows the Aragonese to pass the ITV and postpone any change to the exhaust pipes until the next inspection, there is a risk of being fined by traffic officers if the modification has not been approved, as she herself suggests in the interview. According to the regulations, any alteration made must be legalized and registered in the vehicle’s technical data sheet; Failure to do so results in a serious infraction. DGT sources have informed Moveo that she may be fined up to 500 euros.

Furthermore, if the car emits more decibels than indicated on the technical sheet, as is likely to happen with Naiara’s customized Audi TT, it could also be subject to sanctions for this reason.

Each car is assigned a maximum sound level that must not be exceeded to comply with the noise emission regulations established in the technical sheet. In this document, the manufacturer specifies the maximum volume that that particular model can emit. If this information does not appear in the technical sheet, the maximum legal limit for the vehicle is considered to be 87 dB.

Vehicles that have non-approved exhausts, such as Naiara’s Audi TT, usually exceed the maximum of 87 dB. In accordance with article 7 of the General Traffic Regulations, on the emission of polluting disturbances, “the circulation of motor vehicles and mopeds with the so-called free exhaust is prohibited, without the perceptive explosion silencing device.” The regulations establish that “authority agents may immobilize the vehicle if it exceeds the levels of gases, smoke and noise permitted by regulation.”

The financial penalties are progressive depending on the level of noise made by the vehicle. They are the following:

As far as the modification of the car logo is concerned, Naiara can rest easy. The Vehicle Reform Manual prepared by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce includes the typified changes, their codification and the necessary documentation for their processing. But in no section is there reference to the manufacturer’s logo.

The financial prize that Naiara has pocketed for winning Operación Triunfo is 100,000 euros, but she is not going to use it to buy a new car. Although she has acknowledged that her “dream” is to buy an Audi R8, the artist has declared that she is going to continue with her 2007 Audi TT although she is going to change the current white color for another shade that she still has not revealed. In this case, Naiara must communicate the color change to the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT).