Numerous cities and autonomous communities are in a narrow margin that can give victory to the PP or the PSOE. They are the places most desired by the popular people and getting them would mean for Pedro Sánchez the difference between holding on or losing. In this list, Sevilla is the most difficult for the PP. Alberto Núñez Feijóo is aware of this, the polls, although they give him an increase, point to a tie in the City Council, and whoever gets the government will depend on the pacts.

Feijóo does not give up and will fight until the end to win Sevilla. He plans to do this by explaining to the people of Seville what they can achieve and giving them reasons to keep the vote in the Andalusian elections that gave Juanma Moreno an absolute majority.

“Sánchez has already given up on winning the elections”, said Feijóo in Seville, before traveling to Valencia today. “The PSOE has already accepted defeat and is satisfied with losing most of the cities, as long as it governs in a couple of places”. He has nothing to lose, he said, “if they can say they have won the government of Seville”.

That’s why he asked the people of Seville to “give Sánchez a big upset” because for him, “Sevilla is a trophy, a medal to hang, to be able to say ‘we’re not that bad’. It is difficult, but he set an example “Who would have told Sevilla that they would reach the final” of the Europa League.

For this reason, he asked the Andalusians that with their votes “extend to the whole of Spain the historic change” they made in Andalusia, with which it has been shown that “there is another way of doing politics”. He asks them to vote, because on 28-M they play a little more than the town councils, but also “start to turn the page on frivolity in politics, turn the page on Sanchism” and leave aside “the divisions in the government, the to the dissenter, pride, permanent scandals, lies”. To describe these lies, Núñez Feijóo did it to the rhythm of the children’s song Vamos a contar mentiras. And he listed: “That Sánchez would not agree with Podemos, that he would not make concessions to the pro-independence parties, that he would never agree with Bildu, that the law of only yes is yes would have no consequences, that illegal referendums would be a crime, that he would recover the neutrality of the institutions”.

Regarding the economic situation, he assured that the lies of the socialists are that “Spain is the country that has grown the most, that it is where the light has gone up the least, that food prices are falling or that the PSOE manages much better than the PP “.

To put an end to all this, the president of the PP is asking for the vote of all Andalusians who already voted for Juanma Moreno and have seen that another way of doing politics is possible. With a special appeal to socialists “disenchanted with Sanchism”, who want to turn the page and for seriousness and stability to return to politics.