A new edition of SOS_Tenibilidad has arrived, the series of conferences promoted by La Vanguardia to provide citizens with a critical vision of human actions on our environment.

In addition to the talks offered by great personalities such as Fabien Cousteau, Chad Frischmann, Ilissa Ocko, Odile Rodríguez de la Fuente or Gonzalo Muñoz, on this occasion there is the participation of the well-known founder of the “The leaf Coalition” project, an initiative that aligns governments and companies to protect forests and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is Eron Bloomgarden, a prestigious professor of sustainable finance at the Earth Institute of Columbia University. Bloomgarden is also known as an expert in environmental finance, green infrastructure and impact investing, as well as a seasoned investor with more than a decade of fund management experience.

Bloomgarden will have the opportunity to explain the importance of preservation, forests as the indisputable homeland of biodiversity and as a brake on gas emissions that produce the fearsome greenhouse effect, as well as his experience in advising governments, institutions and companies to achieve the preservation of the ecosystem through the preservation of the forest mass of the entire planet. Among his main achievements is the creation of the Clean Energy Investment Fund (CIF) and advice to the European Commission on the financing of renewable energy projects. He has also worked with the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on climate finance projects. Eron Bloomgarden was a partner in EcoSecurities, the world’s largest carbon credit company that was acquired by JP Morgan, and was also a member of the Global Agenda Council on Biodiversity at the World Economic Forum.

The secret of this expert to achieve his objectives is found in the combination of the development of green infrastructures that preserve the environment with environmental finance. Thus, he has achieved the impressive resume of achievements that he has to his credit.

The Bloomgarden conference can be viewed via streaming on May 25, at 10 a.m., through the La Vanguardia website (www.lavanguardia.com).