The Post Office opened on Tuesday, March 19, coinciding with the publication in the DOGC of the decree dissolving the Parliament and calling for elections, the deadline to request a vote by mail for the elections to the Parliament of Catalonia on May 12.

To do this, voters who cannot or do not want to go to vote on that date but want to cast their vote can request from Correos the Certificate of their registration in the Catalan Electoral Census until May 2, a document that is essential to be able to issue the absentee ballot. This document can be requested on the Correos website, through a recognized electronic certificate, or at any company office in person.

To do so online, it is necessary for the voter to be able to authenticate and electronically sign their application, for which they must have a digital certificate or electronic DNI and have AutoFirma, an electronic signature application developed by the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, installed on their computer. .

Likewise, the request to vote by mail can be made at all Post offices in Spain. This request must be made personally by each voter, except in the case of illness or disability, accredited by official medical certification. In this case, it can be presented on behalf of the voter by another notarized or consularly authorized person.

At the time of making the request, interested parties must prove their identity by presenting their original DNI, Passport or driving license to the post office employee.

In order to speed up the procedures and avoid waiting, Correos offers the option of making an appointment to request a vote in offices, through the app, the Correos website or the Virtual Office.

Correos will deliver the applications received to the Provincial Delegations of the Electoral Census Office, which will send the necessary documentation to vote by mail starting April 22. Said documentation will be sent to the address that the voters indicate, which does not have to coincide with their usual address.

The deadline to send the vote by mail to the corresponding table will close on May 8. This shipment must be made by the voter in person at the Post Office.