22 years ago we spoke here.

Yes, Heini was admitted to the Teknon for medical matters.

The baron passed away a year.

Heini is waiting for me in heaven. We will all meet there.

Also with Lex Barker, Tarzan…

In the schoolyard, as girls, we would play to recreate scenes from the Tarzan movies, and I never dared to be Jane! And in the end… I was. Lex was my first husband.

Faced with your successive losses… where do you get your strength?

From within me. Every day I wake up excited!

And isn’t it boring to have it all?

Nobody has everything. And I never get bored.

Still looking forward to shopping?

Yes. The other day I saw a Swarovski crystal in the shape of Mickey Mouse and I was fascinated! I did not resist: it did not cost a hundred euros.

What would you want to teach your daughters?

The same thing I taught Borja: before you speak, listen! Before writing or signing anything, think and advise yourselves! Before you harm anyone, put yourself in their place! If you hurt, ask for forgiveness. Before criticizing, look in the mirror! Before spending without talent, earn money with your talent. And in life, never throw in the towel! fight.

Did you?

I tried, I fought and I fought.

Well, he gave me a nice headline here 22 years ago: “I have never worked.”

Ah yes, but today I would clarify it.

Let’s see?

I did not work on my origins because I married very young and I dedicated myself to my husband and my children. But since I met Heini I have not stopped working: I create and manage museums with my collections. And in this I am a high professional expert.

Museums in…

In Andorra, in Madrid, in Malaga… and soon also a museum in Sant Feliu.

At the age of your daughters, you were Miss Catalonia, Miss Spain…

And third in Miss Europe, Miss World and Miss Universe…

And actress.

And I met Heini at a dinner and there was a crush, we fell deeply in love.

How was he?

Handsome, sincere, he never said one thing for another, he was wonderful. We talked until dawn about art: “You have the eye!”. That he had an eye for art, he repeated to me.

And the two of them brought to Spain, thanks to you, their fabulous Thyssen art gallery.

They were seven years of negotiations with his heirs so that the government of Spain could acquire it.

Was the baron happy?

He confessed to me before he passed away that he was very happy to see his collection united and in Spain.

Also your private collection is here.

Yes, the most important private collection in the world. And Putin offered me many millions, many!, to take her…


Yes, for renting it to me. And it also offered me a museum. And he also offered me the title of Princess of St. Petersburg…

And why didn’t you accept?

After so much struggle to bring Heini’s collection to Spain… I wasn’t going to take mine outside now!

I see you deal with great dignitaries.

Margaret Thatcher said that the Thyssen art gallery is not in England because of me. Prince Charles, today King Charles III, came to Lugano to persuade us to bring our collection to his country…

Which leader did you like best?

Reagan and Gorbachev, who also negotiated world peace under a painting by Heini. And Raísa was always with me.

Did you anger anyone else besides Mrs Thatcher?

To the Duke of Marlborough, who was crossing on horseback through one of our estates to go fox hunting… and I stopped him.

Are you an animalist?

I live surrounded by animals, dogs, cats and birds. Nature is perfection and beauty, it is the most valuable: let’s take care of it!

“How does he see himself in 15 years?” I asked him here 22 years ago now.

And what did I answer?

“Very pretty, I hope!”

Ha ha… I play sports, walk and eat frugally. I look good, but what really keeps me in shape is moving forward and watching my children and grandchildren grow.

¿And la tele?

I often watch Aruser@s in the morning, it’s an interesting and entertaining program.

You must have also seen the whole Ana García Obregón affair…

His son went to heaven and today he prolongs his life with his genes in his daughter. Well done!