New installment of the love program par excellence First Dates. Tonight we have been able to meet several single couples who have come to the Mediaset space to find love.

Reyes is 75 years old and lives in Madrid. Normally they throw her younger than she is. ”Empathy is part of my way of being,” she confessed. As for love, he has been lucky, he has three children and is now divorced. Since he left him with his ex-wife, he has not had a serious relationship.

Mercedes is 70 years old and lives in Madrid. She confessed that every time she is discounting years. “I don’t have any ailments, I haven’t had any problems due to age,” she assured. The first impression has not been very good. “It doesn’t attract me, that would be the clear definition without giving much detour,” the bachelor confessed. ”A very elegant man, although I’ve seen him older than I initially like,” she declared.

Reyes began the appointment by telling his entire story. Since he retired he has not stopped doing things. He dances, writes poetry and paints. And it is that painting has been something that has united them. ”You have a lot of art,” he confessed when he saw one of his paintings. The bachelor confessed that if he had been attracted to something, he would be the ideal person.

Suddenly the restaurant became a dance floor, where both have begun to dance bachata. But singles didn’t seem to fit in dancing, nor did they manage. “He doesn’t fit me because he has the steps in another context,” said the bachelor. ”I noticed that he was a gentleman,” the single woman confessed.

The bachelorette after the dance confessed to being a little rusty at the dance and the bachelor, however, declared that he went to the disco every Saturday. ”They ask me to dance sometimes,” he said. The single woman said that what she values ​​most in a man is intelligence and conversation. “The voice transmits a lot to me,” he confessed. ”His voice is beautiful and transmits,” declared Reyes. But even if everything was beautiful, without chemistry there is nothing to do. “What is not born does not grow,” said the spinster. In the final decision, Reyes rejected the single woman because she lacked chemistry.