New installment of the love program par excellence First Dates. Tonight we have been able to meet several single couples who have come to the Mediaset space to find love.

Nieves is 78 years old and has attended the program with her grandson. As soon as she entered the restaurant, she couldn’t help but tell Carlos Sobera how glad she was to see him. ”Nice to meet you, what a joy,” she would say. But the perfect entrance was going to go wrong when the bachelorette got hooked on her heels. ” She has stuck to you ”, said Carlos Sobera.

“I have come to the program with my grandson, he is beautiful,” confessed the single woman. She suddenly told Matías: ”You’re like a train”. Her phrase that she also dedicated to Carlos Sobera. ”I’m like a little pistol,” said the presenter. “I’m very hot,” declared the single woman, who as soon as she entered asked for a caipirinha. Nieves confessed to going to a party with her grandchildren. ”My grandmother is a super grandmother,” Alberto said. She wanted a nice man, who liked dancing and who had presence.

His date was Heliodoro, 74 years old. A retired man who lives in Soria. The first impression of Nieves has not been especially good. ”Regulin, regular,” said the single woman. Something they had in common is that they love to dance.

The single woman told him that she had attended the program with her grandson, who also wanted to find love. Helio explained that he is separated and that he adores her grandchildren. ”That’s a plus point,” she commented. Helio said that since then he has not had a serious relationship. One of the things that the single woman has liked the most has been the comic point that she has. “I’m always kidding,” he confessed.

At one point during the appointment, grandmother and grandson met in the bathroom and confessed that they liked Helio a lot. Nieves confessed to the bachelor that he is a very affectionate person and that he really likes kisses and hugs. The two talked about seeing each other another time because they had liked each other. For this reason, in the final decision they have confessed that they want to continue knowing each other