WhatsApp reserves the right to cancel its services in the event that users do not comply with the conditions of use of the most used instant messaging platform. Faced with this blocking, some users even resort to cybercriminals, who promise to recover it for an amount of money. But it is not possible, but it is a new scam.

As WABetaInfo has verified, these scammers contact users through social networks. “Get in touch with scitech_codes on Instagram, explain the situation to them and I’m sure they can help you restore your account,” a user who goes by the name @ElizabethC361 commented to another who requested help from this specialized portal to recover their account.

This user claims to have been able to restore her account after paying for a software code to access her account. However, the specialists of this portal remember that this type of user scams money from the victims and that only WhatsApp is capable of unlocking accounts.

If WhatsApp blocks our account, there is no other option than to contact the platform. We will know that this is the case because we will receive a message stating that ‘This account does not have permission to use WhatsApp’. Users who find themselves in this situation should contact the Meta service exclusively via email or by clicking the ‘Request review’ option in the application.

Once the request has been reviewed, the company will send a six-digit code via SMS, which will allow these users to submit the request and add details that support their case. The last step, that WhatsApp reviews the case. The platform will contact the applicant to communicate its decision.

From this portal, they remind WhatsApp that the access of certain users to its services can be modified, suspended or canceled “at any time and for any reason”, in the event that users cause damage or put other users at risk. to the platform itself.