The governor of Florida and brand new candidate for the 2024 presidential elections in the United States, Ron DeSantis, did not start his electoral campaign on the right foot. The launch of his candidacy in one of the “spaces” of Twitter, with the owner of the network and tycoon Elon Musk as host, made water everywhere at the beginning of the transmission. The resounding technical failure kept hundreds of thousands of followers waiting for more than twenty minutes.

“It is that there are so many people connected…”, the moderator of the colloquium, David Sacks, was heard apologizing. I think we are melting the internet,” he added.

The truth is that many users could not join the presentation, thousands of them gave up and others were eliminated: a disastrous start for DeSantis, especially due to his insistence on the presumed executive effectiveness of his management, and a serious setback for the one who has as the owner of the aerospace company SpaceX, the great technological entrepreneur of the planet… and beyond.

Musk tried to remove iron from the skid. And after assuming the launch was being unlucky, he introduced the candidate in what he considered a “historical announcement” to a “real experience.” And he added jokingly: “You can tell from some of the bugs that it’s real.”

The networks burned, as they say, in this case between the flames of a gigantic choral mockery. “Biggest campaign launch failure in history,” one netizen tweeted. Who else thinks that

Once the problems were overcome, DeSantis delivered an opening speech consisting of a compendium of the main clichés of the Republican extreme right: invasion of “millions” of immigrants, crime in the political streets because of the Democratic left, indoctrination of children in the schools and therefore the need to make America “great again” with him as president.

DeSantis did not forget to attack his main rival, Donald Trump, in a veiled manner: “The Republican Party must put an end to its culture of losing. There is no substitute for victory. We must look forward, not back,” he said, clearly alluding to the speech of the former president.

Trump was quick to react to his adversary’s bump, immediately posting a meme with a Musk rocket crashing and exploding spectacularly in a violent explosion. “Ron! 2024”, read the label attached to the rocket on its unfortunate journey, straight to the ground.

It’s going to be an interesting campaign. It may be funny, at times.