* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In an area popularly known as Torre Melina (a farm, probably of medieval origin, and a name with a lot of history, reminiscent of the rural past of Les Corts), we find this busy urban fronton, the protagonist of Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia.

Specifically, we are located on Calle del General Batet, in the Maternitat i Sant Ramon neighborhood, where this play area has been created based on the expressiveness of urban graffiti art.

When we represent in our minds the image of a traditional pediment, we immediately visualize a rectangular space with certain dimensions.

A front wall, called “frontis”, stripes and colors that run along the walls or the floor of the field, which serve to limit the places where the ball must bounce for the play to be valid, with one of the sides closed and that can be played indoors or outdoors.

Well, this time we are going to carry out a report with images different from the traditional fronton of our memories, its players and its environment, as well as the interview will be a group one, with crossed questions that can be answered by any of the four components of this beautiful story. : Jesus, Felix, Joseph and Filibeto.

This pediment is located in the middle of General Batet street. The players have to interrupt the game every time pedestrians pass by on the sidewalk of the playing field (silent testimony of our life that reminds us of childhood, when we played soccer in the street and we also had to interrupt the game for cars to pass) .

In this place, every Saturday, a group of friends have met punctually to play racquetball for many years, spending the whole morning there.

On the introduction and creation of frontenis, there are several versions of which I have chosen two. Choose the origin that most convinces you:

How long have they been coming to play?

Since the year 2000. A group of friends get together and we come to play every Saturday morning.

Why on Saturdays?

During the week we work. There is an agreement between all the groups that come to play, whereby we have reserved a certain day of the week. We have reserved for you on Saturday mornings.

And the rest of the days?

During the week retired people usually play, on holidays people who work.

Where do they change clothes to play?

Depends. We come with our game clothes on from home, others put on their game shorts in a corner of the street, leaving their dress clothes on top of a cement bench. We all leave our belongings in a backpack.

Despite having Aigües de Barcelona so close, I haven’t seen any fountains in the surroundings, what do you do to stay hydrated while you play?

We bring water from home, we also use it for body hygiene, at the end of the game.

Do you have any rules of the game in place?

Yes. The matches are played to the best of 12 goals, without any duration. The first couple that reaches 12 points with two away, wins the match; In the event of a 12-point tie, the game continues until one of the pairs gets a two-point advantage. If he bounces the ball on the line, it is considered good. We played with balls and tennis rackets (large with racks). The rest I think are the same rules that are used in frontennis.

In short, we are talking about a space full of life, with a new approach from the medical, sports, and urban fields, of a cozy natural fronton, located in the middle of the street, without bleachers, or showers, or changing rooms, without side walls, completely open, where everyone who wants to can play.

In this urban fronton it is possible to find, along with the sound of the ball hitting the racket or against the wall, a moment of peace, light, natural sounds, with green spaces.

It is a place that allows you to do sports in the open air, to live together, to talk, to have fun, with an important social activity, which is claimed as a meeting point, with the sentimental value of the frontons of yesteryear and with the immaterial values ​​of collective sport.

In addition, this practice helps the cardiovascular system work more efficiently. Exercise and physical activity are great ways to feel better, improve your health, and have fun in our city life.