This week will see the theatrical release of the new version of The Little Mermaid. The Disney classic returns to the big screen in live-action format, that is, with flesh and blood actors. One of the most outstanding participations in the film is that of Javier Bardem, who will play the character of Tritón, and for which reason he has granted different interviews.

In this context, the actor visited the microphones of Hoy por hoy, the morning program of Cadena SER, this Thursday. Apart from the promotion of the film, Bardem has revealed a series of secrets to Àngels Barceló, host of the radio space, among which is the curious way in which she met her partner, the also renowned actress Penélope Cruz.

Javier Bardem has confessed how old he was when those first meetings with Penelope took place: “I was 17 years old then,” he said. Subsequently, he has made a detailed portrait of her first reactions upon meeting her: “I said: ‘this girl, this girl’ … I am going to follow her trail,” the actor revealed between laughs.

Barceló was about to ask Bardem another question when she was interrupted by another confession: “Forgive me”, she initially asked the announcer. “The smacks that she gave me (Penelope) were real, when I touched her ass and said ‘you’re a pig, boom!’, the cakes were real,” she assured. “She had a bit of a mania for you,” Àngels responded.

Another of the new data that Javier Bardem has given about his most personal environment has to do with Luna, the daughter he has in common with Penélope Cruz. The actor has revealed the reason for the name of the little girl, a story in which a filmmaker is also involved.

“Our daughter is called Luna for many things, but of course, also as a tribute to Bigas Luna,” he said. Bardem assured that everything is due to a “wonderful accident 32 years ago”: her participation in one of the director’s films. “I can’t imagine a present as grateful and blessed as mine today without him,” he concluded.