Squatting, cleaning, the economic model and mobility have been the most polarized issues during this campaign and the ones that have set the tone the most in recent days. This is clear from the results of the interactive Barcelona Elections, prepared by Public Affairs Experts for La Vanguardia and which has registered more than 29,000 users since it was launched two months ago.

Barely 48 hours before the start of election day, the preferred candidates are being outlined in the interactive, although there are still many undecided. Precisely in the last two weeks, certain shifts in preference have been observed from the parties that have their entry into the City Council almost assured towards those that fight for the 5% vote that would allow them to enter the plenary session.

With certain variations in results, squatting has been a topic of interest in the districts of Les Corts and Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, areas where an average of 70% of users have voted in favor of tightening the current measures. This figure contrasts with the 60% obtained at a general level. The districts that most disagree with this vision are Ciutat Vella, Sants-Montjuïc and Gràcia, with more than 30% in favor of a law that distinguishes squatting by vulnerable families from criminal ones.

On the other hand, cleaning has been another of the interests that has marked the agenda in recent weeks with certain consensus, since less than 10% of users in all districts perceive that there has been an increase in cleaning brigades or more attention Quick and agile to resolve specific incidents.

Regarding the economic model, the majority of those surveyed believe that growth must be done in a sustainable manner and supporting SMEs and the self-employed, with men between 35 and 49 years of age living in the Eixample, specifically in the Antiga Esquerra de l ‘Eixample, those who most advocate the latter. Likewise, low support is perceived for the fact that the development of the city of Barcelona has to be linked to the Catalan economy in order to be less susceptible to the effects of crises: only 12.82% support this statement.

Finally, mobility and traffic act contrary to the rest of the themes, since the more moderate positions acquire greater adherence, as opposed to the more extreme ones, such as those that propose the elimination of private vehicles. The polarization of these four issues could indicate that the parties with more pronounced and less centrist positions have managed to capture the attention of certain undecided voters during the official campaign period.