There will be no surprises on Sunday in 29 municipalities of Lleida in the municipal elections. They are the ones who only have a list at the mayor’s office. Eighteen are from ERC (with the Pacte Municipal brand). Eight from Junts-Impulsem (under the Municipal Compromise umbrella) and one from Convergència Democràtica Aranese (CDA), another from Unitat d’Aran (the party of the Aranese socialists), Pacto Local and the independent list Endavant Vilanova de Vilanova de Bellpuig.

The Republican mayoress Estefanía Rufach, without a rival list in Os de Balaguer, says that she has campaigned seeking participation and the vote. “We need to reassure ourselves, without participation, you feel alone,” she says.

Jordi Verdú, also a Republican, and the mayor of Corbins, a town of 1,500 inhabitants, speak along the same lines. “Some neighbor tells me that I ask for participation, not votes. Elections are every four years and out of responsibility and commitment you have to vote ”, he affirms. And he adds: “We need people to express themselves, in favor if they value our management or vote blank, if they do not agree, although the fact of not having a list already says that we have not done so badly.”

In the Pyrenees, Àlex Garcia, mayor of Talarn, with the Municipal Acord list, heads the only formation in the municipality. He has also done door to door. “We want to have representatives in provincial and regional institutions, we are a small town and representativeness is important and depends on participation,” he points out.

Puiggròs is one of the municipalities that already know that its mayor, Albert Bellart, from Junts-Impulsem, will revalidate the position. It has 260 inhabitants and says Bellart, from Junts, that for more than 30 years there has only been one list in the municipal ones:

“30 years ago there were two, one from Convergència and another from the Social Democratic Center and two groups were made in the town, it was very complicated and since then there has only been one and the job is to have it ready,” he explains.

The mayor of Navés, Josep M. Casafont, is also from the same coalition, in this case from Impulsem, and is confident that participation will be high, as it was four years ago.

The socialists have secured the mayorship of Canejan from Carlos Lastrera, from Unitat de Aran, a municipality “with substantial abstention” that also votes for the General Council of Aran. To encourage participation Unitat d’Aran has organized a rally and a door-to-door campaign. The municipality has 100 inhabitants.

Gerard Bayona leads with Local Pact, the brand of the PDeCAT, the only candidacy of Coma i la Pedra, a municipality of 260 inhabitants and three nuclei