Four people have been affected and two of them have been transferred to the Sant Boi hospital in a less serious condition due to a leak of liquid ammonia in a convenience food company in Sant Vicenç del Horts (Barcelona), which has forced the confinement of two ships located next to it, although it has not damaged the exterior.

As reported by Civil Protection of the Generalitat, of the four affected, two have been discharged at the same place where the events occurred and another two have been evacuated in a less serious condition to the Hospital de Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona).

Civil Protection has activated the External Emergency Plan of the Chemical Sector of Catalonia (Plaseqcat) in the alert phase due to this accident due to the leakage of ammonia, which occurred in the company Ta-Tung Platos Precocinados SL, located in Avenida Torrelles de Llobregat in Sant Vicenç dels Horts.

At 10:47 a.m. this Friday, the 112 emergency telephone number received a notice warning of the leak, prompting the firefighters to go to the scene, including two chemical risk vans and the group of technological incidents.

When they have arrived at the place, the Firefighters have evacuated the ship and have assessed the risks that were inside, to make sure that no worker was left inside.

The Ta-Tung company has specified in a statement that this morning, “during some maintenance work and change of machines, there has been a small leak of refrigerant liquid in the plant facilities”.

“SEM personnel have taken two people in mild condition as a precaution, following the usual protocol in this type of case. Two other people have been treated in the vicinity of the factory and have been discharged on site”, has added the company, which has clarified that there has therefore been no “personal damage” and has wished “a speedy recovery to the affected personnel”.

“Within a few hours, the chemical risk plan has been deactivated and it is expected that activity can resume as normal shortly,” the company commented.

After 10:00 p.m., Civil Protection announced on the networks that the Plaseqcat alert phase had been deactivated and that the fire brigade had already withdrawn from the area.