* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia we can see these photographs taken in Roses one spring afternoon.

From the port we see a blue sky with some clouds and some impressive crepuscular rays that shine in the sky and descend from between the clouds, focusing on the moored fishing boats.

Crepuscular rays, in atmospheric optics, are rays of sunlight that appear to radiate from a single point in the sky. These rays flow through openings in clouds (mostly stratocumulus) or between other objects. They are columns of sunlit air separated by dark cloud shadow regions.

Shortly after, I took another photograph from the rocky area of ​​the coastal path and in it we can also observe crepuscular rays, but at the same time how the sun begins to peek out from under the clouds, from which curtains of precipitation descend.

Finally, we were able to enjoy the sunset. Meanwhile, in Roses we had to wait until dawn to hear some of the sound of the rain that, due to its intensity, woke us up.

I find it incredibly beautiful to look at the sky and see how it can change so quickly and offer us different landscapes in a short time. I can say that, in my case, sometimes I am literally in the clouds.