Either you love summer or you hate it, it seems that there is no middle ground when it comes to the summer season. The heat, the endless gatherings on the terraces, the fashion that is imposed to withstand the high temperatures, the joy that can be seen on people’s faces when the days get longer… All these little things are synonymous with summer. has arrived.

According to a study by Allergan Aesthetics, 9 out of 10 people surveyed (n=12,360) would like to change something about their appearance¹. And it is that, the beginning of the summer can be a date marked in many calendars as a time of the year where to show a better appearance and physical shape. To achieve this, it may be necessary to adapt or modify some of our day-to-day habits, such as a more balanced diet or a more active routine.

However, despite discipline and perseverance, it is possible that the desired results are not achieved and that there are still areas with which one does not feel so comfortable. An example is localized resistant fat that can cause discomfort and loss of self-confidence.

When we talk about localized fat, we are referring to those fatty tissues that are lodged in specific areas of our body and that, in general, despite maintaining healthy habits, are difficult to eliminate². Some areas where it is common for this fat to be located are: the inner face of the arms and legs, cartridge belts, the male chest, the flanks, the double chin, the abdomen, the bra roll or the knees³.

If, despite doing multiple exercise tables or maintaining a healthy routine, there are certain “rebellious” areas, aesthetic medicine may be an option. Dr. Carlos Jarne, an aesthetic doctor, explains that “thanks to advances in body aesthetic medicine, there is the option of being able to reduce this localized fat.”

The doctor recalls the importance of going to medical-aesthetic centers that have qualified medical personnel. This medical professional will be the one who makes a personalized diagnosis to the patient. And it is important to understand that Aesthetic Medicine is Medicine.

Likewise, Dr. Carlos Jarne indicates that “we should not confuse losing fat with losing weight. When we refer to weight loss, we are referring to a decrease in total body weight or body mass, while, on this occasion, we are trying to eliminate localized fat²”. In addition, a personalized diagnosis is essential because “there are factors to take into account in any medical diagnosis such as age, sex or type of metabolism,” says the doctor.

Aesthetic medicine has dragged numerous taboos around its sector for years, although now it is being talked about more and more openly. In fact, interest in aesthetic medicine is on the rise⁴ ⁻ ⁸; and, according to the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SEME), 40% of the Spanish population has attended an Aesthetic Medicine treatment on some occasion in search of a natural and temporary beauty, where excessive changes are not perceived⁹.

Thus, physical and mental well-being are connected. Up to 30% of Consumer Beauty Insight survey participants agree that having a shaped body makes them feel good about themselves; and feeling good has a positive impact on both your personal (73%) and professional (56%) life (n=12,360)¹.

In order to achieve that self-confidence, it is essential to consolidate confidence in Aesthetic Medicine and its professionals, since they can play a fundamental role. In this sense, medical science is the pillar to provide health and well-being, key elements to achieve healthy beauty.

Consult with an aesthetic doctor for more information.


In collaboration with Allergan Aesthetics, an AbbVie company