Vox has achieved its main objective for these elections: to be the political force that grows the most at the polls to become a determining factor in the formation of regional and local governments. Santiago Abascal’s party went from 800,000 votes achieved in 2019 to almost 1,600,000 ballots yesterday. The double. Thus, the extreme right led by Santiago Abascal will have the key to the government to try to export the coalition model in Castilla y León with the Popular Party to territories such as the Valencian Community, Aragon, the Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Extremadura…

The president of Vox has already closed the campaign warning that they would not pay again for the hazing of 2019, when they offered their support to the popular ones without entering the executives. Now there will be no time “neither for gifts, nor for blackmail.” And this same message is the one that the ultra-right leader reiterated last night from the party’s national headquarters, flooded with national flags. He directly questioned the president of the popular, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who did not name Abascal throughout the electoral campaign.

He invited him to reveal if he prefers a pact with the leader of the socialists, Pedro Sánchez, to continue anchored in immobility or to negotiate local and regional governments with Vox “to repeal all the legislation of the left.” “We have said it in each square. We are not going to give away what does not belong to us, which is the trust of the Spaniards and we are not going to give in to any blackmail: we will act firmly ”, warned a plethoric Abascal.

The results achieved last night by Vox make the extreme right the indispensable partner of the Popular Party to unseat leftist governments. And it is that the party of Santiago Abascal will enter the regional parliaments that were pending. He will break into Castilla-La Mancha with four seats, in Navarra with two, in Extremadura with five and in the Canary Islands with three. Galicia, where no elections were held yesterday, becomes the only regional parliament in which Vox has no representation.

To stage the brutal quantitative leap that the ultra party gives throughout the national territory, it is enough to take a territory, since the trend was repeated in all the communities. Vox has gone from the three councilors it had in Salt (Girona) to 124 representatives throughout Catalonia, managing to enter all the provincial capitals. As reported yesterday by the general secretary of Vox, Ignacio Garriga, the party goes from having 500 councilors in Spain to more than 1,600. The ultra leader in Catalonia assured from the Vox headquarters at the Hotel Center in Barcelona that the results of the polls show that “the left has been defeated throughout Spain.” Garriga, who complained last night that “everything” has played against him -he spoke of threats and attacks-, affirmed that yesterday they began “to rebuild our Spain from north to south and from east to west to end up imposing Santiago Abascal in December. We are going to explain the future with the initials of Vox ”, he declared.

In large provincial capitals, Vox is also going to assert its achieved councilors to agree on governments with the Popular Party or, at least, determine the policies in a decisive way in the coming years. Its three representatives reached in Seville, the four in Valencia, the two in Malaga or the four in Zaragoza will be decisive in providing stability to the foreseeable right-wing governments in these capitals.

After midnight, with the scrutiny almost complete, the leader of the extreme right also wanted to send a message “for the doomsayers” who “on several occasions so far” have wanted to “certify the death” of the party led by Vox.” And that message was that “Vox has come to stay and will be decisive” in a national key