Barcelonès Nord maintains the socialist hegemony with the great exception of Xavier García Albiol in Badalona, ​​who has broken all the forecasts, achieving a comfortable absolute majority of 18 councillors, seven more than in 2019. The debacle of the rest of the parties that added up to the four-legged of government has been remarkable. On the other hand, in Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Núria Parlón has reissued the absolute majority and Filo Cañete, in Sant Adrià de Besòs, has also achieved it.

Xavier García Albiol’s PP has swept Badalona with an incontestable absolute majority granted by 18 of the 27 councilors in the City Council. Undeniable success of the ‘Badalonisme’ campaign, which has chosen to fake the acronym of the PP to focus exclusively on local issues, especially focused on the fight against the increase in crime and illegal occupations, a strategy that has crystallized in Badalona voters who have avoided the controversies over the Pandora papers and the case of the telephone antennas.

On the other hand, in Badalona, ​​an absolute debacle of the left-wing parties that have governed since 2021 with a quadripartite formula. The PSC led by the current mayor, Ruben Guijarro, is placed as the second force, although it loses two of the six councilors. ERC and Guayem Badalona, ​​who in the last elections concurred together and added seven councilors, have fallen to seven. Therefore, absolute failure of the new candidacy of Àlex Montornès and Dolors Sabater, who obtained two councilors from the Republicans and one from Guanyem Badalona En Comú. In Comú Podem he would maintain the two councilors. On the other hand, the only councilor for Junts per Catalunya, David Torrents, would lose his representation, which demonstrates the absolute failure of the parties that make up the quadripartite government.

In Santa Coloma de Gramenet, the current mayor, Núria Parlon, has obtained a new majority with 17 councilors, the same ones who catapulted her to the mayoralty in 2019. The mystery of the irruption of parliamentarian Gabriel Rufián has only managed to increase one councilor , so ERC adds four councilors. On the other hand, Ciutadans loses two councilors and is left with four, so Dimas Grajera’s party becomes the third political force. On the other hand, the PP with García Albiol’s candidate, Miguel Jurado, regains representation with two councilors, the same ones that Vox has obtained.

In Sant Adrià de Besòs, an overwhelming victory for the PSC that since 2021 has led Filo Cañete, which obtains an absolute majority. The question of the change in the mayoralty by Joan Callau is clearly resolved in favor of the Socialists, who have continued to hold the mayoralty uninterruptedly since 1995. ERC loses two councilors and remains with three, while the Popular Party, which had lost all representation in 2019, entered strongly with three councilors, to the detriment of Ciutadans, who lost all four representatives. The purple formation of En Comú Podem drops to two, one less than in the last elections. Joining the debacle is Junts per Catalunya, which does not get representation.