Five days after the municipal and regional elections, the competent Electoral Boards will begin the general scrutiny (in the case of the local ones, those responsible will be the Zone Boards). Between June 2 and 5, the final results of the elections will be known, which will incorporate the votes of voters residing abroad (Electoral Census of Absent Residents, CERA), possible corrections and the resolution of claims.

The results that will be known during the election night will be provisional. For this reason, a few days later the final scrutiny will take place.

Before beginning, the competent Electoral Board will constitute a table for the counting of votes of those registered in the CERA. The president will introduce the voting envelopes received until then into the ballot box and the secretary will write down the names of the voters on the list. Next, the Board will scrutinize the votes and incorporate them into the rest of the results.

Immediately afterwards, the scrutiny session will begin with the opening of the envelopes that will have been delivered to the courts at the end of today’s day. During the scrutiny, the Board will limit itself to verifying the count and the sum of the votes in the tables according to the minutes. You cannot annul any act or vote. If there is a material error, it will be corrected. The scrutiny act, which cannot be interrupted, must conclude before the eighth day after the elections.

When the results are confirmed, the Electoral Board will proceed to proclaim those elected and will publish these results in the Official State Gazette (BOE) within a period not exceeding 40 days, as established in the electoral calendar.

In the case of municipalities, the scheduled date for the constitution of the town councils and the election of their mayors is Saturday, June 17.