Once the voting day is over at 8:00 p.m. this Sunday, the counting of the municipal and regional elections will begin. In the first place, the count of the local ones will be made and then it will continue, where appropriate, with the ballot boxes belonging to the entities of territorial scope inferior to the municipality. Subsequently, the members of the tables will proceed to count the votes of the autonomous communities in the twelve communities where they are held. Ultimately, the ballots corresponding to the island councils will be counted, if applicable.

The scrutiny is led by the president of the table. The regulations establish that each envelope must be extracted, one by one, from the ballot box and read the name of the chosen candidacy. The ballot will be shown to the members and to the auditors and proxies of the parties present there. When the count is over (and doubts or complaints derived from it have been resolved) the president will announce the result and the table will draw up a tally sheet.

At each table there will be a representative of the administration. One of his functions will be to send a copy of said act to the data aggregation center of the Ministry of the Interior. This is the explanation why the results are known so quickly during election night.

When 100% of the scrutiny (that is, of all the tables) of each election is completed tonight, the results will also be provisional. Even so, the Government informs about them because that is how it is included in the General Electoral Regime Law. The official and final count will be carried out by the competent Electoral Board five days after the elections. In the case of the municipal ones, the Zone Boards are in charge of carrying it out. Once these procedures are completed, the results will be published in the Official State Gazette.