At Vox headquarters they “continue to wait” for the Popular Party to “take a step” to begin negotiations that open the door to changes in government in several autonomous communities – and other provincial capitals -, according to party sources. Despite the good results achieved by the formation of Santiago Abascal, they recognize that they are “not in a position” to lead any negotiations, but they also warn that they are “necessary” to articulate alternative majorities.

The extreme right continues with its hand fully extended to the popular people, despite the fact that the strategy of the barons of the PP who did not obtain an absolute majority on 28-M is, in principle, to present themselves at the investiture session without having closed no prior agreement with Vox. The PP needs the vote in favor of Vox deputies in Extremadura, the Valencian Community and Aragon; while abstention is sufficient in Murcia and the Balearic Islands.

Despite the fact that its initial objective was to repeat the formula of the government of Castilla y León – with a Vox vice-president -, expectations have been lowered since the formation. With this hand outstretched to Genoa, they insist that they are interested in sitting at the table to negotiate government agreements that include their programmatic measures before seats in the regional governments. And the measures – focused on finding a solution to the supposed problem of public insecurity plaguing the country – can be implemented “from within or outside the government”. In other words, prioritizing government agreements over entrances to executives.

The electoral program with which Vox presented itself in the regional elections is the same in the different regions. With barely a dozen points ranging from “the protection of workers and families against rising prices” to “educational and linguistic freedom without ideological interference”, passing through “the fight against illegal immigration and the insecurity that it grows in our neighborhoods and homes.” They also demand “a drastic reduction in taxes and a radical reduction in ineffective political spending, with the persecution of corruption”, or “defend our agricultural product against bureaucracy, radical environmentalism and unfair foreign competition”.

Abascal will demand to include the measures “based on the proportionality of the force” obtained on Sunday in the polls of each community.

At Vox they say they are in no hurry, although they believe the “urgent” thing is to oust the left-wing governments “as soon as possible”. For this reason, they would be willing to agree with the PP if at first the popular people ignore them – in line with the strategy they have maintained until now. So, the formation presided over by Abascal opens up the possibility of some failed investiture sessions – “there will be no gifts or blackmail” – but then they would continue to be willing to agree when “the PP realizes” that they are not bluffing . The hypothetical scenario would take place, in any case, after the general elections scheduled for July 23.