Artificial intelligence has changed the world. And it has done so in many sectors, including education. A little over three months ago we learned that OpenAI, developer of Chat GPT, launched a new tool to detect if a text is written automatically.

This functionality, although it is still not entirely reliable, has already begun to be used in some universities. Among other things, teachers are using it to detect if students have used artificial intelligence to plagiarize texts or if they have simply resorted to the chatbox for inspiration.

Some Australian and US educational institutions have already decided to ban the use of ChatGPT, but these measures do not seem to curb the desire to “achieve more with less” of some students.

The system for detecting internet copy-pastes filters the texts submitted to then issue a result on a scale of five possibilities, ranging from “very unlikely” to “very likely generated by artificial intelligence”. And it is that ChatGPT can generate texts with sense on almost any topic that seems to be written by a person, being almost impossible to detect if it is the work of artificial intelligence.

In the last few hours, a post by the user sophikxx has gone viral on Tik Tok, demonstrating the effectiveness of this tool developed by Open AI.

“Me defending my thesis, knowing that they have detected 78% plagiarism thanks to ChatGPT”, this is the premise with which this Tik Tok user presents the video, who appears holding what appears to be her work with a face of circumstances.

In the comments, the young woman has defended herself by assuring that she has never plagiarized anything and that it is all an artificial intelligence error. In fact, this student claims to have uploaded the video to report the situation and help prevent it from happening again.

Finally, the content creator has also revealed that the university has suspended her thesis. The publication already has more than 30,000 ‘likes’ and has reopened the debate on the use of ChatGPT in the educational field.