The Mossos d’Esquadra arrested two young people, aged 17 and 15, last Wednesday for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl in the toilets of the Màgic de Badalona shopping center, a place where at least three rapes have been recorded more in recent months. The events occurred between January and March of this year. As La Vanguardia has learned, the young woman began a sentimental relationship with a 15-year-old boy who forced her to perform fellatio among her friends and family. Her boyfriend told her that this was normal and blackmailed her, saying that if she didn’t agree, he would stop loving her.

The young woman was forced to perform oral sex on her boyfriend, her cousin and two friends, one of them 20 years old, despite the fact that she repeatedly refused, as evidenced by the messages that were exchanged. “I don’t want to do it anymore”, “I don’t like it”, she repeated herself on several occasions. “Listen to me, it’s only going to be one more time and that’s it”, “It’s only going to be one day and that’s it. What does it matter to you, ”her boyfriend insisted. The mossos have compiled all the messages that she sent him on Instagram and that show the resistance and refusals of the young woman and the persistence of her boyfriend. The prosecutor points out in her letter the entity and the seriousness of the attacks and the “disdain and contempt” with which they treated the victim. The Mossos received the order to arrest the adult assailant and a fourth who have not yet been located.

The victim is especially vulnerable and is under the guardianship of the Generalitat in an educational residence center. Those arrested went to court last Thursday accused of various crimes of sexual assault on a minor under 16 years of age. Despite the fact that the prosecution demanded admission to a detention center, the judge for minors 1 of Barcelona decreed his provisional release and imposed a restraining order on the victim. Both acknowledged having had relationships with the adolescent, but claimed that they were consensual and that the young woman freely agreed.

The victim did not have an easy time reporting the facts either. Her uncle discovered on her mobile phone the messages she received from her boyfriend in which they pressured her to perform fellatio on her friends and family. Angry at her, he decided to deny the reception of her niece and send her back to a residence of the Generalitat. It was her aunt, with whom she had the most confidence, who after telling her what had happened, she saw clearly that the facts should be reported. The teenager went with her relative to the Mossos d’Esquadra police station on April 19 and she showed the Instagram messages that she exchanged with her boyfriend and also another of her cousin in which they pressured her to have relationships.

Those arrested are young people who live in the Sant Roc neighborhood of Badalona and who have no previous criminal record. The psychologists who examined the arrested concluded in the case of the boyfriend that “he shows difficulties in values ​​such as the use of the female figure and that he manifests a lack of empathy for the victim.” The two young men come from structured families. The arrested 15-year-old is in the fourth year of ESO, plays soccer and composes songs that YouTube posts. The 17-year-old detainee finished ESO without getting his school degree and has not worked or studied for a year and without “expectations for the future,” the specialists said. His parents try to activate him and have found several jobs for him to work as a baker and in a flower shop.

The toilets of the Màgic shopping center have been the sad scene of four violations in recent months. In November of last year, a group of four unimputable minors sexually assaulted an 11-year-old girl. The event had a great media repercussion that gave rise to a broad social debate on the criminal responsibility of minors who commit this type of sexual assault. One of the rapists is admitted to a juvenile center, another three are supervised by the General Directorate for Child Care, just like the teenager who threatened to kill the victim’s brother.

A young woman who is now 17 years old denounced last August that a group of 10 young men, under threats with knives, forced her to give fellatio to three of them in the restrooms of the center, while the other seven watched the outside. A fourth complaint reported that an adult sexually assaulted a minor under 14 years of age with whom she had met through a social network.