Teams from the Ártabro ship, which is looking for the remains of the Villa de Pitanxo, have found a “metallic structure of a ship” in the area of ​​the shipwreck, according to a spokeswoman for the victims’ relatives, María José de Pazo, explained.

The discovery of this structure, in an area where the Villa de Pitanxo shipwrecked on February 15, 2022, 250 miles from Newfoundland (Canada), has aroused hope this Friday among the families of the victims, waiting for confirmation if belongs to the Galician fishing.

The ship Ártabro, which left the port of Vigo on May 17, has a submersible robot that could inspect the area in the coming days and determine if it is the wreck of the Galician fishing vessel, of which only three of the 24 crew survived. shipwreck: the skipper, his nephew and a sailor of Ghanaian origin.

The lifeless bodies of nine deceased were rescued, but another twelve sailors are still missing, while the National Court has opened a judicial investigation to determine the circumstances of the sinking of the ship more than a year ago.

“Although it has not been confirmed” that it is Villa de Pitanxo, the relatives are “hopeful, it is positive news and in two or three days they think it will be known for sure,” De Pazo explained.

The relatives of the victims carried out a mobilization to demand that the authorities send a ship with a submersible to the area to take images of the wreck capable of determining if the bodies of the missing sailors are still inside and information on the circumstances and causes of the shipwreck, one of the most tragic in the fishing sector in recent years in Galicia.