The PSPV will not abstain from the investiture of Carlos Mazón and will vote against the fact that the president of the PP and winner of the 28M elections is the new president of the Generalitat Valenciana. This possibility, that of abstention, had been raised as a possibility by the popular to prevent Mazón from having to negotiate a pact with Vox in the Valencian Parliament. And it will even be integrated as a negotiation element in the conversations that the PP leader will now start with the parliamentary groups: first with the PSPV, and later with Compromís and Vox.

“The PP has already chosen a partner” commented sources close to Ximo Puig yesterday about the idea of ​​a possible abstention and in reference to the fact that the popular must understand the force led by Carlos Flores in the Valencian Community. However, the Valencian acting president did make clear yesterday his predisposition to talk with the PP “if we are asked, we are willing to talk to everyone.” What he did not clarify is whether in these future meetings, the first of which will be held this Thursday, Ximo Puig himself will be part of the Socialist team.

The refusal of the PSPV forces Carlos Mazón to establish a pact with Vox. The winner of 28M has reiterated his will to be able to govern alone; but to achieve this he must, at least, get the strength of Santiago Abascal to support him in the investiture. From Vox in Valencia the silence is maintained, but yesterday Abascal himself urged Alberto Núñez Feijóo to establish an identical collaboration criteria in all the institutions that can govern both formations and warned that they should reach agreements before the celebration of the elections of 23J . Throughout the campaign, Carlos Flores has made clear his desire to become part of the government of the Generalitat Valenciana.

What is confirmed is that the general elections of 23J have altered all the dynamics of pacts between the PP and Vox. Santiago Abascal did not hide his discomfort yesterday because the PP and the PSOE are trying to promote bipartisanship in these elections and demanded that Feijóo take into account “the millions of Spaniards who are willing to make changes in the institutions”, in reference to the Vox voters. Carlos Mazón will now have to maneuver to be able to achieve the presidency without consolidating a pact to his right that forces him to cede large shares of power