* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia
The Mèder river joins others, such as the Cardener, the Fluvià or the Llobregat, which in recent days have gone down with chocolate-coloured waters. In this case, the photographs that we see in Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia have been captured in Vic, the capital of Osona.
As can be seen in the snapshots, the Mèder runs through Vic showing a brown hue, the result of the rains of recent days. The river goes down stirred with earth sediments.
Sediment is a solid material accumulated on the earth’s surface derived from the actions of phenomena and processes that act in the atmosphere, in this case, rain.
The Mèder river is a tributary of the Gurri, which, in turn, flows into the Ter. It has a length of about 14.5 km and a height difference of 365 meters.
The Mèder is born in the municipality of Santa Eulà lia de Riuprimer. Its basin also includes the municipalities of Montanyola, Sant Bartolomé del Grau and Gurb.