The specialized journalist Mark Gurman already advanced at the end of last year that Apple wanted to remove the word “hey” from the voice prompt to activate the Siri assistant. Currently, the command is activated by the phrase “Hey Siri”(‘Hey Siri’ in English). At the time, it was already commented that it would be a laborious task and that this change could arrive in 2023.

Well, at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) this year, the company announced that the change will take effect coinciding with the iOS 17 update of its devices, probably starting in September.

Thus, to be able to invoke the assistant, you only have to say “Siri”, as is already the case on Amazon with “Alexa”. In addition, it will not be necessary to repeat its name constantly to indicate consecutive commands to it.

Of course, for now it does not seem that Siri is going to use artificial intelligence to answer the questions that are asked, although there are rumors that Apple would be working on a more advanced AI for the assistant.

Siri is a voice assistant created by Adam Cheyer, currently Director of Advanced Products and Research at VerticalNet and produced by Siri INC. Apple bought it in 2010, and immediately incorporated this assistant into their devices.

It was officially launched in 2011, coinciding with the presentation of the iPhone 4s. Over the years, it has been perfected and has the ability to offer quick responses, organize the agenda or make literary recommendations, search for recipes, among others. Soon, it could bring more news.