Millions of Jerte cherry trees turn the valley white, giving rise to one of the most famous spectacles of spring. It is also the starting signal for the Cereza del Jerte Protected Designation of Origin campaign, which means that the cherries and pillory will arrive in a few weeks.

The Cáceres region of Valle del Jerte staged this Friday in the municipality of Piornal the beginning of its most well-known and media festival, the “Cherry Blossom”, one of the hallmarks of Extremadura that is closely related to the arrival of spring .

Declared of National Tourist Interest, this festival, which extends in time until April 6, serves as an announcement of the next cherry campaign and with it the people of Jerte show their rich gastronomy and traditions to thousands of people who are expected in the valley. coinciding with the flowering of more than 1.5 million cherry trees.

The DOP Cereza del Jerte is “expectant for this campaign, after the bad taste in the mouth of last year, when 60 percent of the product was lost due to the rains”, as explained by the president of the DOP, José Antonio Tierno. “We are hopeful and we hope that this campaign goes better,” he indicated days ago.

Flowering this year has been a little earlier than is usual for these dates. The rainfall regime in recent months has been medium-high, but has been accompanied by very irregular temperatures.

The cherry trees of the Jerte Valley, located in the north of Extremadura, are grown on terraces in the Jerte mountains, following a centuries-old family tradition, within a unique environment and microclimate.