In addition to figures such as Meg Ryan, Vincent Pérez or J.A. Bayonne, the BCN Film Fest in its eighth edition will feature the presence of Richard Linklater, one of the most acclaimed directors in the film industry. “He is the icing on the cake,” confesses Conxita Casanovas, the director of the festival. Director of titles such as the saga Before…, Boyhood, Waking life or School of Rock, Linklater will attend the contest to receive this year’s Honor Award and will present his new work, the action comedy Hit man, released out of competition at the Venice festival, where it received unanimous applause from critics. Linklater will be awarded during the closing gala, which will take place on April 26 at the Cines Verdi in Barcelona. The Catalan festival thus recognizes the career of one of the most relevant and personal directors of contemporary world cinema, author of films that have marked different generations of film lovers.

Born in Houston in 1960, he is one of the main exponents of independent cinema of the 90s. His filmography includes Slacker (1990), Movida del 76 (Dazed and confused) (1993), his acclaimed trilogy Before dawn (1995) , Before Sunset (2004) and Before Nightfall (2013), starring Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy, and Apollo 10 ½: A Space Boyhood (2022). With Boyhood (2014), filmed intermittently for 12 years with the same actors, Linklater obtained great recognition from the public and critics, and awards such as the Silver Bear for Best Director at the Berlin Festival, 3 Golden Globes, 2 Spirit Awards and the Oscar for best supporting actress for Patricia Arquette.

Co-written with Glen Powell, who also stars in the film, Hit Man is inspired by an incredible true story. Powell plays Gary Johnson, a prudish professor who discovers that he has a hidden talent as a fake hitman and who finds a client who steals his heart and ignites a powder keg of deception, pleasure and confused identities.

Arturo Valls, Kike Maíllo, Belén Rueda, Emma Vilarasau, Malena Alterio, Eva Llorach, Jaime Lorente and Clara Lago are other artists who will parade on the red carpet of a Barcelona-Sant Jordi International Film Festival that will open on 18 of April with Casa en flames, by Dani de la Orden, and will have Eduard Fernández, Clara Segura and Carles Sans as members of the official jury.