The 2,388 Post offices throughout Spain now offer a new left-luggage service for all people who want to deposit their luggage, suitcase or any other personal object permitted by the service, which can remain safely stored and guarded throughout the entire period. time desired by the client.

According to Correos, the service can be contracted at any of the logistics company’s offices and the rate varies depending on the weight of the packages – which must be well closed to guarantee that their contents cannot be accessed – and the duration of the deposit, which may be extended up to 15 days. In accordance with applicable regulations, jewelry, valuable objects and other non-admissible contents may not be left in the storage room.

To hire it, it is necessary to fill out a form and make the deposit easily and securely for as long as necessary. The client may withdraw the objects deposited in the storage room at any time, even if the contracted time has not ended.

With this new left luggage service, Correos continues to expand its offer of products, services and administrative procedures in the offices in order to make life easier for citizens, thanks to its great capillarity and total territorial coverage.

Its services range from physical and digital communications to financial solutions, carrying out procedures for Public Administrations, procedures with the DGT and sale of products and services from other companies.