The job interview is one of the most important stages in the personnel selection process. It is also one of the most crucial moments because, if you get to that point, you have to impress who will probably be your future boss so that he chooses you instead of the 4 or 5 candidates that you know are in this process like you.

On many occasions, the people who find it most difficult to address these moments are young people. Lack of experience in this type of situation usually causes anxiety and they may not know how to handle themselves and lose the opportunity to get the position for which they are applying. According to psychologist Alejandro García in Hylé psychology, the best thing is to “accept your anxiety, recognize it and leave it aside as soon as you start work. You will need your attention on other fronts and take into account all your skills for the interview.”

Beyond the number of positions that young people cannot access because they do not meet the high requirements demanded, inexperience is added in situations like this. Something that, added to sociocultural situations, generates a high rate of youth unemployment. According to INE data, Spain leads this rate throughout the European Union, with 28.36% in 2023. Which means that approximately 481,500 young people between 16 and 24 years old are willing to work, but cannot find employment. A situation that aggravates their chances of being emancipated, gaining independence and, in the future, starting a family.

To address this problem there are initiatives, such as Youth Guarantee. This is a European proposal that aims to facilitate young people’s access to the labor market. It is aimed at people between 16 and 30 years old and provides training, guidance and job opportunities.

On the other hand, the Spanish government has projected a reduction in the youth unemployment rate by 14% in the next 30 years. Although they do not specify all the measures that will be used, it is expected that actions will be taken to improve the employment situation of young people. Beyond an increase in opportunities, an improvement in its benefits.

There is no key tool to get hired, nor a formula that ensures that you put the human resources person in your pocket and that they give you the job. However, there are elements, words, attitudes and answers that you can give to get the attention of the interviewers. It is true that a good resume will have brought you here, but, at this point, if you have not lied, you will have to prove that you are the perfect candidate.

The most important thing before appearing for an interview is good preparation. Rocío Rodríguez, director of the Talent Attraction and Retention area at Ernst and Young (EY), assures that informing yourself about the company is key. From what their infrastructures are like, the clients or the possible competition. Furthermore, knowing in depth the position you are applying for will help you adapt your answers.

Although the resume is a crucial element in a job interview, attitude is essential. Going without desire or enthusiasm or appearing unmotivated or lazy will attract the interviewer’s attention, but in a bad way. It is essential to show the premium version of yourself. Don’t be afraid to give ideas, show yourself motivated and eager to learn. If there’s one thing any manager likes to hear, it’s that you don’t know how to do something, but you’re willing to learn. It is better to be honest than to invent anything. That will say that you are an honest person and, sometimes, the company will be willing to train you. They can teach you a tool or role, but not an attitude.

Managers of large companies usually look for proactive people, with character and desire. Your best asset will be to present yourself as someone transparent and trustworthy. Someone with a positive attitude and determination to do the job as well as possible. Keep in mind that non-verbal language also plays an important role here. Walk into the room with a firm step, with confidence and sit up straight and with a smile.

On the other hand, according to LinkedIn, the largest professional network in the world, personal image is essential in a job interview. Choose an outfit according to the company and the position you are applying for. If there is a specific company dress code you should try to follow it so that they see that you will fit perfectly into their work environment.

Sometimes it is difficult to show our best version, especially if we don’t know how to do it or we find ourselves in a difficult moment in our lives. Everyone’s circumstances are different and, sometimes, after several refusals, it is difficult to show up with a smile and ready for anything. Therefore, in Training you will find some courses that can help you prepare to work with a team with different dynamics.