Winter returns to settle in almost the entire country during Easter, which is expected to bring widespread rain, more abundant in the center and west of the peninsula, snowfall at levels that will drop to 600-800 meters and a notable drop in temperatures. , according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

The instability will continue this Tuesday, with the arrival of an Atlantic storm and cold air, which will lead to a new temperature drop in the west and south of the peninsula, although they will recover in the Mediterranean.

For today, rain is expected in most of the territory, especially in western Galicia, Andalusia and around the Pyrenees. To a lesser extent, they will affect the east and southeast of the peninsula.

In its latest update, the agency warns that the presence of a mass of cold air dragged by the front will cause a sharp drop in temperatures.

It will also snow at Easter. The snow level today will be between 600-800 meters in the northern half and 800-1000 meters in the southern half, with a tendency to rise during the day by about 200 meters. Snowfall is expected in the main mountain systems, mainly in the central Pyrenees, and with the probability that it will also occur in surrounding areas.

The wind will also blow from the west, with strong gusts except in the north of the peninsula, and even very strong on the coasts of Galicia, the Central System, the south and southeast of the peninsula, the Strait and the coasts of the Alboran Sea.

From Wednesday to Friday, the most likely scenario contemplated by Aemet is the arrival of a warmer air mass, associated with southwesterly winds, with the passage of successive Atlantic fronts that will leave cloudy skies and widespread rainfall. The Atlantic and Cantabrian slopes will be the most affected areas.

In parallel, an increase in temperatures and snow levels is expected, which will recover from the low values ​​of the previous day.

Since Saturday, with moderate uncertainty, the agency expects widespread instability to continue in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, with the passage of successive Atlantic fronts that will give rise to practically widespread rainfall, with lower probability and intensity in the Mediterranean area.