Google Maps already knows how to speak Catalan. The most popular navigation application has announced that from this Thursday users can use all voice navigation instructions in this language, both in the version of this service for iOS and Android devices.

The technology company recalled that the application’s linguistic offer was limited to text. However, from now on, with the new update, these other indications are also available, although the pronunciation is not desirable in many cases.

To be able to use this feature, the user only has to update the Google Maps application to the latest version and specify that they want to hear voice directions in Catalan.

It should be remembered that Google Maps automatically redirects you to the domain of a country and shows you the names of the sites in their own languages, although the user can always change the language or the domain in options. In this case, to choose Catalan.

Among other information, the application introduces voice navigation to keep users aware of traffic alerts, warnings about where to turn during the trip, the lane in which to go or if there is a better route to get to the place of destination. You just have to click on the ‘Menu’, select and choose the language in question.

The Catalan executive assures this option of Google Maps “represents an important step”. For the Minister of Business and Labor, Roger Torrent, it is “great news, a step forward in the projection of Catalan as a language of the present and future in the digital era and, therefore, in the defense of people’s rights interact normally and in their language also with digital products and services”.

Torrent considers that “today is a great day for all those of us who, whether from the administration or from civil society, work day after day to defend Catalan in the entire technological field and on the Internet”.

For her part, the Secretary for Digital Policies, Gina Tost, has assured that one of the Government’s priorities is “to get large companies to include Catalan in more and more products and services.” The person in charge believes that it will not be the only advance in this line, hoping that she will be able to give “more good news related to Catalan and technology” soon.