The Costa Daurada celebrates a significant achievement in marine conservation thanks to the efforts of Natural Art Reef (NAR), a non-profit association dedicated to ecological solutions.

Within the framework of the project “Citizen participation for the conservation and restoration of the Mediterranean mussel”, financed by the Provincial Council of Tarragona, the lost population of Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) has been successfully restored by installing collectors directly in the sea.

Since winter 2021, NAR has worked in collaboration with researcher Montserrat Ramón from ICM-CSIC, carrying out a restoration campaign in the municipalities of Torredembarra, Altafulla and Creixell. Mussel collectors have been implemented at different depths (5, 10 and 15 meters) at various points along the coast.

In the first phase, more than 800 mussel specimens have been counted in just 3 collectors, in addition to incorporating temperature sensors to evaluate the correlation between this variable and the effects of climate change on the survival of the species.

This project not only seeks to restore the Mediterranean mussel, but also to bring the sea closer to society and raise awareness about its conservation, especially among the youngest. In addition, it highlights the importance of conserving natural heritage and the actions we can take to preserve it.

The Tarragona coast faces various human pressures, such as industrial, port, fishing and tourist activity, among others. These activities have caused the decline of species, the loss and fragmentation of marine habitat, and the regression of phanerogams, among other problems.

NAR promotes the return of species that once inhabited the seabed of our coasts, demonstrating that collaboration between organizations, citizen participation and environmental awareness can lead to tangible results in marine conservation.

The recovery of the Mediterranean mussel on the Costa Daurada is an example of how coordinated action can reverse the decline of marine species and restore the health of our coastal ecosystems.