The El Contentor program from El món to RAC1 uncovered a completely surreal case. Nacho explained that he had two cars registered in his name that were not his and that generated fines and taxes that were claimed from him. A dead end that the administration did not resolve in any way. As a result of this case, many other similar and even more surprising ones emerged.

This is the example that we have been able to see today. That of Pere, who lives a situation similar to that of Nacho, but, in his case, with a tractor. It turns out that he had worked in the field for years, but he has never owned a vehicle of that type. Now, however, he is retired and recently discovered that the DGT linked a tractor to his name.

The registration indicates that the vehicle had insurance that expired in November of last year. He realized this a month and a half ago, when he downloaded the DGT application. Since then, he has gone to an agency to try to get them to come to an agreement with traffic to try to solve it, but there has been no way.

Meanwhile, Pedro is worried that this vehicle in his name could generate fines or taxes like what happens to Nacho: “I’m worried because if something happens, we will have to run.”

This article was originally published on RAC1.