Foment del Treball Nacional pushed for the creation of Company Day in Catalonia, with a clearly constructive idea, so that society, in a world as complex as the one we live in, has a clear awareness of what they mean and contribute company and entrepreneurship, as fundamental pieces to create and maintain employment and thus promote progress in all senses of the people who make up our society.
Companies, micro, small, medium and large, as well as self-employed and emerging companies, every morning, when they “open the shutters”, start work and a complex web of relationships, exchanges, buying, selling and other activities which highlight all the dynamism of which our society is capable, and generate opportunities, employment and wealth and, consequently, promote social cohesion.
Since 1832, which was when the Barcelona textile industry Bonaplata implemented the first steam factory in Spain, and when the industrial revolution began, first in Catalonia and little by little throughout Spain, our industrial sector has been growing constantly.
It is true that our industrial weight has suffered a slight decline in recent years. The enormous diversification of our economy has contributed to this, and also the irruption, a few years ago, of massive imports from countries like China, where production costs are lower. But it is also true that the sustainability criteria that are gradually permeating global economic activity facilitate a slow but constant process of reindustrialization in European countries. If the policies of the European Commission and our Government take the appropriate measures, we will be able to make it possible for our industrial GDP to increase.
A powerful industrial sector, with a relevant weight in the gross domestic product, is an unequivocal indicator for consolidating a solid economy, with technological investment and qualified jobs. The industry is constant innovation, continuous investment and export engine. Making progress in reindustrialisation should be a priority objective for all governments. Foment del Treball Nacional dedicates all possible efforts to this end and tries to influence so that this is so.
So, on this Business Day in Catalonia, we claim the importance of having a dynamic business sector capable of overcoming challenges. We just need business-friendly governments and for society to understand the value that companies and entrepreneurs bring.
Company Day should also serve to encourage new business vocations, of young people who decide to take a risk to create their own business project. Catalonia has been a land of entrepreneurial tradition. How many times have we praised those who have established themselves? This has been a constant in our country, and this is how many, many companies have been born. We have good schools to train entrepreneurs and managers and a business fabric that facilitates the creation of new projects. That is why we insist on positively socializing the entrepreneur, that the social climate is favorable to the figure of the entrepreneur, that he ceases to be looked down upon or despised. In this sense, those who influence public opinion must be particularly careful not to be carried away by populist statements that do not help, but rather the opposite, to objectively assess the employer’s contribution to the society
All this justifies the existence of Company Day. You just need to get more out of it!