What started as a dialectical game through social networks between two cocky businessmen seems to be turning into a real challenge. The fight in a cage between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg is getting closer to moving to a ring every day. The two contenders are training: one, Zuckerberg, already does it as a regular routine; the other, Musk, has placed himself in the hands of a professional trainer. Will there be a fight?

The dispute started with a half-joking exchange of messages through social networks between two of the main names in the technological world. But taking into account the personality of both, everything indicates that these bravado could be the embryo of a real show.

In the last hours it has been known that the CEO of Tesla has started training with Lex Fridman, a famous podcaster who is also a black belt in jiu-jitsu. As TMZ has revealed, the meeting between the two would have lasted several hours.

The media content creator, who is also a researcher at MIT, has expressed his admiration for the Tesla CEO’s physical abilities. In a post on his Twitter, he calls Musk’s physical abilities “impressive.”

Mixed martial arts legend Georges St-Pierre has also offered on Twitter to train Musk, whom he has declared himself an admirer. “It would be an absolute honor to help you and be your training partner,” he wrote on his social media.

For his part, Mark Zuckerberg is known for being a fan of martial arts, so he would have a certain advantage in a theoretical matchup.

Musk’s brand new trainer, Lex Fridman, has not wanted to get wet on who would win a confrontation between Zuckerberg and Musk, although he did say that it would be “epic” and “really inspiring” to see both billionaires performing martial arts.

Several companies have been interested in organizing this amazing media combat. Various reports indicate that Dana White, president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, the largest mixed martial arts company in the world, more popularly known as the UFC, has already spoken with both contenders.

If the fight goes ahead, it could be held in Las Vegas and forecasts indicate that it would be one of the most anticipated events in recent years.