Sálvame Deluxe has received a visit from Nacho Palau, sculptor, former contestant on Survivors and ex-partner of singer Miguel Bosé. After some very difficult months, in which he has had to undergo tests and treatments for lung cancer, he has come with energy to speak “uncensored”.

After the controversial separation of the children of Palau and Bosé, it is inevitable not to wonder what those years of courtship in the shadows were like. Nacho Palau has explained that although he has been very happy, both were unfaithful and he did not find out from Bosé.

However, he has not hesitated to affirm that he was more unfaithful than his ex-partner and adds that “I don’t think he found out” because Bosé had been unfaithful many times.

However, despite the infidelities and not wanting to show his love to the world, it seems that the singer was very jealous, “to a sick point”, but not only with Palau but also with friends and “in general”.

Although the relationship between the singer and the sculptor had its bad moments, Palau affirms that for a time he gave him the place he deserved in the relationship. “It is what it was, I was happy.”