Diane Keaton’s town is so right wing that if you help a blind man cross the street they accuse you of socialism. Okay, Woody, but Ángel Garó is more on the right, who dared to describe Putin as a communist. “The leftists, denialists of history… Because now Putin is not a communist, no, he is a friend of Franco,” he said ironically in a tiktok. You’ve been fooled, Woody. “Pack of scoundrels. (…) I see injustice day by day because I read ”, he adds about Podemos. You already know that ignorance, like fascism, cannot be cured by reading. Or not alone. For starters, it all depends on what you read.

Let it be clear to you. Garó is not a fascist, but he says what he says. The problem is that we have also been taken for a ride. The video that he has made viral @ franciscoescobar00 is conveniently cut so as to omit what a friend of the comedian expressed at the beginning: “Well, tomorrow we have elections in Andalusia.” They are words of 2022, and they are not said in the face of the general ones. Few means have fallen into the account. Some even titled that the humorist positioned “for 23-J”.

We fall into the culture of deception that the extreme right and its digital loudspeakers handle so well. The same one that in Spain is led by an Abascal who in an interview on Telecinco is capable of calling Pedro Sánchez “leader of the pack”. Notice, Woody, another one that says herd. Yes, in another sense and perplexing even Pedro Piqueras, a journalist seasoned in “apocalyptic” and “spooky” scenarios.

As you will see, the thing is funny. “In no case will we add to the politicization of the violations.” Vox tweet from 2019, following the sentence of La Manada. Where I said, I say Don Pelayo. Another hoax.

The extreme right would have to warn when it cheats. Clothing brands do it, which stamp a “KEEP AWAY FROM FIRE” on the label. So, in capital letters, every quisqui knows that cotton doesn’t turn on… (or does it?). Or Junts, who overprints a message in his campaign video with a Sánchez made with AI to remind him that he is made with… AI. Yes, to avoid lawsuits, but cloth…

Let’s touch wood. An oversight and in Moncloa, next to Feijóo, there will be someone who will make him go so extremely to the right that they will force him to cross the line on the shoulder. We are about to see deconstructed social rights fought for years. But Woody, for when it’s time to rebuild them, @adhucat has a question for you: If the Ikea furniture assembly and disassembly tool were made of wood, would it be called Woody Allen?