According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Spain created up to 783,000 new jobs in 2023 and managed to reduce the unemployment rate to 11.7%. Which represents a total of 21,246,900 employed workers. However, there are sectors where there is a high demand for work and others that are not so requested in which there is a disproportion of people applying for those positions.

In February 2024, the number of unemployed people registered in the public employment services offices in Spain stood at 2,760,408 people. This represents 7,452 fewer unemployed people compared to the previous month, data was published by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy. In addition, there are incentives and bonuses for hiring workers, which can influence these figures. Employment has experienced exceptional years after the pandemic, but now faces more complex challenges, such as exceeding 21 million members and reducing the unemployment rate to 10%.

Even so, it could be said that Spain is going through a favorable scenario for hiring. In this context, vocational training is also experiencing positive growth, as demonstrated by the latest Caixabank report from the Observatory of vocational training in Spain, which predicts an increase in employability until 2035.

If you have in mind doing training focused on practice and the real needs of the labor market, FP can be your best ally. It has grown up to 16%, according to Ilerna data, which shows an upward trend and an increasingly real option for many students.

The SEPE Occupations Observatory has drawn up a list of the vocational training degrees with the most employability, which should be a great attraction for all those who are thinking about what to study. These qualifications offer excellent employment opportunities and are especially relevant due to the growing need for specialization in technological and innovation fields.

Also in the technology sector, software developers are in high demand. The basis of computing with which society moves has a large pool of programmers in Vocational Training. It is the fundamental universal language in our era. And, given the development of technologies today, it has become a highly in-demand qualification.

The FP courses with the greatest employability are those for Higher Technician in Multiplatform and Web Application Development with a specialty in Introduction to Quantum Computing. With the growing need to have a presence on the Internet, companies continue to need software developers to help them program their applications and e-commerce.

With the increase in awareness about the importance of Early Childhood Education, demand in this sector has increased. Employers, both in the public and private sectors, seek to hire early childhood educators with specific training in vocational training in Early Childhood Education to guarantee the quality of the services they offer.

The trend in hiring profiles such as the Higher Technician in Social Integration is also very positive, followed by the Technician in Care of People in Situations of Dependency.

Data analysis is a basic tool for all types of companies and can be applied to public measures, marketing strategies, social network development and many other disciplines. At a time when data is essential, someone who knows how to analyze it and its trends is essential in a company.

A data analyst or scientist must manage a large volume of data, the so-called big data, using tools that allow collecting that amount of data, organizing it, and finding which actions are harming or benefiting the company. Although there are careers and master’s degrees related to it, vocational training is a good place to start. For this reason, students in the field of Computer Science and Communications with a specialization in Big Data are sought to work on highly requested projects.

The healthcare sector has been increasing in terms of demand since the pandemic. It is a powerful employment generating sector in Spain. The main job opportunities for this training are found in hospital nursing assistant positions, but the possibilities are multiple. In fact, in 2023 in Spain, 282,888 contracts were registered for Nursing Assistant Technicians.

However, jobs in the health sector are especially in demand, not just training as an Assistant Nursing Technician. Other studies such as Pharmacy and Parapharmacy Technician or Higher Diagnostic Imaging Technician also presented a large volume of hires in 2023.

Given the level of digitalization that society presents today, companies in all sectors need protection against the virtual risks that arise. This makes cybersecurity another of the most in-demand professions in 2023 and will continue to be so now in 2024.

Companies need a specialist who is responsible for safeguarding their data, not only that of the company, but also that of their clients, especially now that cyberattacks and hacking techniques have proliferated. For this reason, the profile of the cybersecurity specialist is one of the most requested today, also one of the best paid in the technology sector. The average salary is between 30,000 and 60,000 euros gross per year in Spain, although you can earn up to 66,000 euros per year.

Finding a job with a FP degree in Technician in Administration of Computer Network Systems or Cybersecurity in Information Technology Environments is a good job opportunity. In addition, there are university degrees and master’s degrees that also allow you to specialize in it to have more knowledge and a better position in this sector.

All of these professions demonstrate the fundamental role that Vocational Training plays in the current Spanish labor market and everything indicates that it will continue to grow in prominence in the coming years.