Duel of communications and at full speed. Just a few hours after the Collective of Victims of Terrorism (Covite) and the Fernando Buesa Foundation denounced the use of the expression Que te vote Txapote, understanding that the expression trivializes the damage caused by ETA member Francisco Javier García Gaztelu, a hundred victims of terrorism, some of them members of the PP of Madrid with minutes of regional deputies, have defended the opposite, understanding that this achievement is “perfectly descriptive” of the agreements that the Government of Pedro Sánchez has reached with EH Bildu this legislature .

The lightning movement, according to sources familiar with the matter to La Vanguardia, has been promoted by, among others, Daniel Portero, president of Dignity and Justice; Ángeles Pedraza, former president of the AVT; and Marimar Blanco, sister of the Ermua councilor assassinated by the terrorist group in 1997. Three people closely linked to the Popular Party of Madrid, two of them, Portero and Blanco, regional deputies in the Vallecas Assembly in this recently started XIII legislature.

In this regard, the signatories point out that “it is impossible to eradicate from the collective imagination an expression that was born of the people. We cannot and should not do it. Furthermore, it is what hundreds of us feel,” they affirm.

These victims indicate that it is a slogan “that is part of the people’s right to freedom of expression”, while they understand that Que te vote Txapote is a “perfectly descriptive” expression.

In the same way, they point out in their argument that “during Sánchez’s term, absolutely all the prisoners who were left outside the Basque Country and Navarra have been approached; prison powers have been transferred; and a key role in governance has been granted of the state to the political arm of ETA that even in the last elections presented lists full of members of the terrorist band”.

“The President of the Government will fully understand”, they add, “that Txapote has real reasons to vote for him, because it is he and the rest of ETA members who have obtained all kinds of privileges and attention during his term, and not the victims of terrorism, who rather, on the contrary, we have been the object of contempt and neglect,” the statement continued.

And they conclude by noting that “there is no ethical support to govern with those who have supported the murder of more than 850 people and even today refuse to collaborate one iota in the clarification of almost 400 of those murders that still remain unsolved.”