She has lost count of the number of novels she has published, “it will be about 50 or 52”, tries to remember Megan Maxwell, the undisputed queen of the romantic novel in Spain. Her numbers are compelling: 10 million readers and 5 million books sold. Today the last of them goes on sale, and what itches for you? ). And oddly enough, and after so many narrated love stories, for the first time it focuses part of the idyll that its protagonists live in two of the most romantic cities in the world: Venice and Verona.

And he has traveled there with his daughter, also a writer Sandra Miró, and her editor Esther Escoriza to present the novel and fulfill one of her dreams: discover the city of canals and travel by gondola, as the characters obviously do. of his novel.

And it is that fulfilling dreams is in the DNA of this Madrilenian born in Nuremberg as María del Carmen Rodríguez del Álamo Lázaro, although she will hardly turn her head when she hears this name. She was called Nena when she was little and when she began to publish books she opted for Megan, a name that she liked, added to Maxwell as a tribute to one of her favorite singers.

His parents lived a love story worthy of a romantic novel, although with an unhappy ending, and that would end up inspiring one of his books Hello, do you remember me? . It could be summed up like this: a Spanish girl meets an American soldier in Germany, they fall in love and live a night of passion before he leaves on a mission.

As a result, Megan was born, and the soldier disappeared a short time later without a trace. Without a paternal presence, he grew up in a matriarchy that marked his literature: “In my house we were all women and I like to convey in my novels the message that they can.”

She is a tireless worker. She personally takes care of her social networks and her working day usually lasts about twelve hours. So much of her work allows her to publish three novels a year that she now plans to reduce by two. “I want to have more time for myself and not end up being the richest in the cemetery,” she says amused.

His literary universe especially revolves around great sagas, such as the medieval The Maxwell Warriors, the contemporary ¿And you…? or the erotic Ask me what you want. They all have the same common denominator: showing empowered women. “My romanticism is like that of any other with the difference that the woman is the one who decides.” For her, “it is a priority that women learn to love each other, it is not necessary to have a man by your side.”

She writes about women so strong that for years her novels were rejected. “They told me they had too much character.” Until after twelve years of perseverance, the first publication and success arrived. “I have always believed in myself.”

At the request of its editor, the erotic saga arrived. “I chose to reflect a different sex than the one we have been brought up with and leaned towards threesomes and groups,” she explains. “Everyone thinks I spend my days in orgies,” she laughs.

Her followers are the warriors and Megan has the shield of the saga tattooed on her right arm. “It’s like my amulet and you don’t know how many women have tattooed it because they say it gives them strength.” She also wears the phrase: “A wish does not change anything but a decision changes everything”, which she tattooed on herself when she got divorced, “because until you make the decision, things do not change.”

On her left arm is read: “The good, the bad and the best”, which is also inscribed on her skin by her editor Esther Escoriza and her daughter Sandra who, as a writer of youth novels, deals with protest content, from feminism to sexual diversity. “I will have done something right so that my daughter continues fighting for it”, she affirms proudly.

Although he does not have it tattooed, he usually says: “Who does not dream does not live”, and now another of his dreams is about to come true. Atresplayer is preparing a series based on the novels. What are you waiting for? and Nor do I ask for so much and the erotic saga Ask me what you want will be released by Warner Bros. Pictures Spain and Versus Entertainment. In both cases, he has participated in the scripts. “I’m very excited but it also worries me to see the result of the adaptations,” he confesses.

This warrior has many more dreams to fulfill, such as one day winning one of the most relevant international awards for romantic novels, such as the RITA. “It would be a bomb because no Spanish has achieved it yet,” she enthuses. But she does not hesitate to prioritize what is really important to her in this life, “being happy above all else”.