Small miracle in the middle of Holy Week. Two residents of Pedrola (Zaragoza) who were driving through the Tauste wind farm at dawn were unharmed after falling down a 200-meter slope with the presence of trees and rocks. After leaving the vehicle unharmed, they managed to climb the mountain on foot and find an area with cover to request help.

The events, reported by Heraldo de Aragón and confirmed to this newspaper by official sources, took place on the night of Monday to Tuesday of this week between the Zaragoza towns of Tauste and Remolinos. The 112 emergency center received the call for help around two in the morning, and a rescue operation was launched in which agents from the Civil Guard and the Tauste Local Police participated.

Once rescued, they were transferred to the Tauste health center, where they received initial assistance and were confirmed that none of them suffered serious injuries despite the magnitude of the incident. For this reason, the two men, aged 56 and 43, were even able to return that same night to Pedrola, the town where they reside.

In the morning, the agents returned to the scene of the accident. On the road on which the two men were traveling alone, they did not find any signs of braking, which suggests that the driver did not notice the turn that the road was making and ended up rushing down the slope. After finding the car’s tracks on the slope, they located the vehicle 200 meters below, where a log had stopped its fall.

Now, investigators are focusing on clarifying the reason why this couple was traveling on that road at that time and under a downpour. Apparently, one of them commented that he had argued with his wife, so he had decided to go for a drive in his car to cool off for a while.

However, it is suspicious that the previous day a theft had been reported at that same wind farm, where material used in the construction of the facilities was stolen, and that shears and other tools were found on the slope where the car fell. who could have been thrown out of the tourism during the accident.