Of the public employment offer that the Council of Ministers approved this Tuesday, two elements stand out: the total figure, 39,574 jobs, which represents a new record for ordinary offer; and also that it allocates more than 40% of places to face-to-face care and other essential services. Given the deficiencies in Social Security and other administration services to serve the citizen, the new offer provides for 44.18% of places that include both the much-required face-to-face care, as well as a reinforcement of digitization and other services in culture, health, justice and prison administration. This includes, for example, 8,790 positions in the C1 category, which deals mainly with face-to-face care.

The 39,574 approved places represent 15.8% more than the ordinary public employment offer of 2022, and of this total, 27,246 correspond to the free shift, to those who join the administration, while the remaining 12,328 will be for internal promotion . It should be noted that of the free shifts, there are 8,625 jobs that will serve to create net employment, and that 18,621 correspond to replacement rates.

In the distribution by organisms, most of the places are taken by the State Administration, for which 29,818 will be offered, of which 19,947 are free admission and 9,871 internal promotion. The rest is distributed among the Administration of Justice (1,907 positions), the National Police Corps (2,833), the Civil Guard (2,875), and also the Armed Forces, with 2,141 positions already approved in May.

“The record figure is established by the objective need to strengthen a workforce that has been weakened by years of cuts and zero replacement rates,” said the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero.

One of the organizations that receives considerable reinforcement is Social Security, which adds 2,500 places, and also the management of the Minimum Vital Income, to which 1,515 places will be allocated to reduce the temporality in the management of this aid.

The replacement rate is also consolidated, with a general percentage of 110%, which in priority sectors such as health and education rises to 120%, and in the case of the National Police and the Civil Guard to 125%.