Storm Nelson will not let up this weekend even though it is losing strength: it will bring with it locally strong and persistent rainfall in areas of western Galicia, the Central System, and Andalusia, as reported by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) . These rains, which could be occasionally accompanied by storms, will continue throughout Saturday.

Meanwhile, in the eastern third of the country, the Ebro valley and the Cantabrian area, rainfall will be more dispersed and occasional, and in the Balearic Islands, unlikely. Furthermore, snowfall will occur in mountainous areas, since the snow level will be between 900 and 1,200 meters, with special incidence in the Pyrenees, where the heaviest snowfall is expected.

Temperatures will experience a decrease in the eastern third of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, while in the rest of the country they will remain stable, except for a moderate rise in maximum temperatures in the Basque Country and northern Castilla y León. Weak frosts are also expected in the mountains of the northern and southeastern half, and moderate frosts in the Pyrenees.

For Sunday, instability is expected to continue, with cloudy or overcast skies and widespread rainfall in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. The greatest amounts of rain are expected in the southern half of the peninsula, the Central System, the Pyrenees and western Galicia, although a decrease in the intensity of this rainfall is expected in the afternoon.

Looking ahead to Monday, although meteorological instability will decrease, cloudy and overcast skies will remain, with weak and scattered rainfall on the Peninsula, being less likely in the west. This change will mark the entrance to a week that will begin with the emergence of a new front on Monday and Tuesday, especially in the northern half, with heavy rains forecast in western Galicia.